Yes, I FINALLY got a DRESS FORM! I am SO excited. It arrived a week ago... however, both of our cameras went missing (arg!) and I could put pics up at all! (Which was really frusterating since I wanted to decorate my "new" fashion blog and schedual posts for it... if the cameras hadn't disappeared, by now things would be looking more presentable and there would be enough schedualed posts for a month! Special thanks to mi madre for finding the cameras late last night :)
Which brings me to my point: This is my new dress form, and alas, she has no name. (The horror!) So, I'm asking all of you to please comment with suggestions! (I was thinking of turning this into a blog event, but I think that's a little over-the-top....don't you?)
Thank you!
p.s. yes, that is the "Marian" dress.... formerly known as the "inexpensive fantasy dress". Still in progress.